Modded Monobox – a simple and pure sound amplifier with LM386

I gave a workshop in Trakk, Namur – on how to build a simple sound amplifier with a LM386 chip.

In the pdf you find the instructions on how to make it.

I used the electronics schematic of the Make magazine Monobox, but I totally rearranged the electronic components for it to fit easily on a breadboard. I chose this amplifier circuit with the lm386 because it has a very clear audiosignal, almost no hiss.

Test your circuit on the breadboard until it works. Make sure you buy the components twice, so you can leave everything on your breadboard and copy it on a solderable breadboard – a technique I learnt from Nicolas Collins.


Then, build your speaker into a box you like – I chose old sandwich boxes – they look a lot nicer in real life than in a photograph!


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